Friday, October 17, 2008

The begining...

This is my first blog. Hello.

My name is Matthew Eddy, and I live in the lovely town of Ann Arbor. I only moved here 2 years ago from the central coast of California. As you might have expected, its a bit of a change. Freezing temperatures in winter, humidity in summer, lack of hills, snow, and the terrible roads are balanced with the cultural diversity, the fall colors, beautiful sunrises/sunsets, thunderstorms (which I think are fun) and I am sure there are more positive comments I could make about Ann Arbor, and Michigan in general.

Well, my main motivation for creating this blog is for my friends, current and potential clients to get a taste of ME, and keep people informed on the projects I am working on. I will be focusing on my Photography, and the small company I started called Oil-Rig Productions.

Why Oil-Rig Productions? It started as a domain name, something that was unique since was taken. So why Oil-Rig Productions? Well, driving up and down the coast of California from San Luis Obispo to Santa Barbara, there are a number of oil rigs just off the coast, and I, being a industrial nerd, was fascinated with the contraptions. However, I am working on a current project that relates to oil rigs, but its not a mature project yet, and so I don't want to unveil it just yet.

My current public projects:
-Teaching photography classes through the Ann Arbor Rec and Ed department.
-Volunteering with the Washtenaw County Red Cross as a photographer

Well, I will post more as I have news. Right now I need to work on picture for a wedding I covered for Ashley and Jeff Kermath on Oct 4th. I will post some examples of my work on my website:

Take care,

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