Saturday, December 19, 2015

Elements of Composition - #5 - Point of View aka Perspective

One goal with your photography is to try and show people the world in a new and interesting way. Probably one of the easiest ways to do this is to change people's perspective on how they usually look at things - literally.

In the US men are, on average 5'9" tall and women are 5'6" - if you are around that height and you stand there taking pictures, you are essentially showing people what they would they would already see themselves.  Finding new perspectives mean get down low, get up high, get close, and anything else that breaks you out of that standard mold.

For kids that often means get down to their level - kneel down and shoot at their eye level.  Below is a series of images I took of my daughter.  In each of these I was kneeling to be closer to her level.

This also works for various other things like shooting weddings, bands, and portraits. 

Band - Prime Eights
DJ Prezident with the band the Prime Eights
She was looking up, so I got above her and shot looking downard to get this shot. 
Well thanks for reading this far.  More articles on the Elements of Composition are coming.See the links below to the previous artiles in this series.  

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Links to other articles in the series:
To see #1 - Rule of Thirds - Go HERE
To see #2 - Balance - Go HERE
To see #3 - Lines - Go HERE
To see #4 - Framing - Go HERE

Twitter: @capturedphotons

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