Monday, April 6, 2015

Shooting the Milky Way with the D3300

This is a quick post for one of my viewers who is requesting my exif data from the shots in my video Review - Nikon D3300 which featured some Milky Way time lapse shots.  

The shots in questions are these here:

Nikon D3300 with Pro-Optic (aka Rokinon, Bower) 8mm f3.5 Lens
Nikon D3300 with Nikon 14-24 f2.8 Lens

Here is the Exif data for the images - at least the important data:
For the first image

For the second image
I will expand on this blog in the next few days but I wanted to answer the viewers questions quickly.

Thank you!

1 comment:

Live A Life said...

Hi! May I know what is the lens that you will recommend for d3300? As I am facing a problem choosing one.